Thursday, July 03, 2008

I am so fallin' asleep

Today would be one of those super draggy days whereby there are only 3 lectures. Yesh, the first lecture (by hawt Andy Ong) starts at bloody 8am and the next lecture only begins 5 HOURS LATER!!!

Raiden doesn't start school till 12pm today (lucky squirt), so here I am, in the computer lab blogging about absoutely NOTHING. Damn boring lahh!! The only thing on my mind right now is that I wanna head off to the nearest pool/beach and bake under the glorious sun... Hahaha! Haven't been tanning for almost a month now, and surprisingly, my tan has yet to fade off =)

I bought a new denim skirt and bikini yesterday while shopping with HY. Stupid woman! Everytime I'm out with her, it's me who spends moolahs and not her! Not that I have tonnes of money at hand, but how do you expect me to walk into Bugis Street and exit empty-handed?! Stuff there are frickin' cheap (though not dirt-cheap) and WHO SAYS CHEAP STUFF AREN'T GOOD??

Hmm, when will my next trip to Sentosa be? I am so gonna stroll back to Tanjong Beach and re-live my 18-year-old days. The smallest and most boring beach of all in Sentosa, but the place that holds many fond memories. Plus, Amazing Race Asia 2 also chose that place to hold their very last road-block.


Oh! Oh! oh! Updates on FYP and Community Health; both presentations were SUCCESSES! Finally, all our hard work paid off... we spent $120 on these two projects and I can say for a fact that Irene and Patricia were both very, very, VERY impressed with our product(s).

Was kinda apprehensive about selecting HIV/STDs for our main topic (as it is relatively well-known as compared to, say, Meningitis?) but hey, WE DID IT!! Congrats to all six of us. Woohoo!

Okay, I am beginning to feel kinda agitated because the chairs in the com lab SUCK!! It's so low and it's height doesn't tally with that of the table's, dammit! Yes, my dear idiots, I already tried to increase the height of the chair but you know what? IT'S SPOILT! Rah! Now I know how a hobbit feels like standing next to Gandalf.

Can somebody attend the next two lectures on my behalf and help to copy down any important notes? 5 HOUR BREAK LEH!! What the hell am I 'spose to do?!


Weekend faster come! Weekend faster come! Weekend faster come!


A friend of mine gave me consent to blog about her medical condition, so those 50% of readers who've stopped coming to my site have better get your individual asses BACK HERE and READ this post!

So this friend of mine is currently 26 years old and she was diagnosed with Pre-Mature Ovarian Failure not too long ago. She seeked medical help after another friend and I kept egging her to do so and she made an appointment with a young female doctor at a certain hospital.

Hint: This hospital is, in my opinion, the WORST hospital is SG. Especially Ward 66!

Anyway, that bimbo of a doctor was so enthusiastic about my friend's initial medical problem (POF), that she completely ignored that fact that POF could lead to Osteoporosis!!

Like, duh!! When a woman stops menstruating (aka experiences menopause), the level of oestrogen within her body takes a plunge. So without this hormone, the cells that builds up one's bone aren't able to keep up with cells that remove old bone cells and thus, an imbalance in the bone mass occurs!

Thanks to her negligence, my friend now suffers from Osteoporosis (spine) AND Osteopenia (left thigh). Doctors are just so intelligent these days... intelligent in STICKING TO BOOKS! They never seem to be able to think out of the box! Look at what it's caused my friend now!

She's only frickin' 26!

Osteoporosis at this age?! And who do we have to thank for? Some genius who had the gall to say, "Considering you're only 26, the risk of you contracting Osteoporosis is very low".

True, the risk is low, but were we taught to put it aside just because "the risk is low"?! Irregardless of how low or how slim the chances are of her getting the disease are, the risk IS STILL THERE! Look at what's happened now thanks to your late interventions?! She really did get the disease! And this nightmare is not one that's haunting you... it's haunting her and you are the cause of it.

How fair is this?

People entrust their lives into your hands and you do such slip-shot work. WTF! Still have the cheek to complain that you're not getting paid enough?! Wei, if your salary is "not enough", what about that of the nurses and other hospital staff?! Money, money, money... if earning money is your top priority, then this isn't the suitable job for you! As a doctor, it's your top priority to SAVE LIVES/CURE PEOPLE.

In case you're wondering what's happened to my friend, she's doing well at the moment and another doctor has prescribed her with stronger Calcium tablets. Like that's gonna help cure her condition. What, it's suppose to be some sort of consolation for what the other doctor has done? Sickening. She can't lie down on her bed in the same position for too long, otherwise she may experience tingling sensations down her back.

Blardy heow! In Singapore cannot have protest, if not I hold petition against this hospital and doctor! Pull her pants off and spank her in public... followed by farting CONSISTENTLY up her nostrils. *smirk* Even that won't help make my friend 100% healthy again.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 10:35 am.