Friday, November 18, 2005


Is a frickin' bad day because....
The hairs on my head wouldn't stay flat down.

I got "kissed" all over.

Jade went to watch Harry Potter with her friends but I had to settle for Meteor Garden at home (bloody Michelle Saram & her IRRITATING giggles).

Went to look at the new puppy and received more "kisses".

I lost my Amore trial ticket (actually, it's not lost... just hiding somewhere in my room)

Ate half of the Mango strudel and it's gonna add to the pounds.

But Tomorrow!!!!

Will be so much better because....
I'll be training for the first time in 486634218608 years.

And err... some other things which should be left untyped.

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 2:27 pm.