Monday, March 10, 2008

Crystallisation (Part 3)

Remember I once said I was "working on a project" involving crystals? Yeah, those crystal bling-blings cost me a boomin-bomb!! I don't feel a pinch in my pocket though... hahahaha! Because the final outcome is AWESOME!!

Judge for yourself.

(the pictures are kinda blur because I'm lazy to edit 'em!)


My saviour in times of crisis!

Personal Compact

The shots turned out to be worse than I expected when transferred to the comp but gimme a break, punks! I don't get paid for hosting high-quality images on blogger. And I'm still kinda rough with Photoshop.

Take note, I bought PEACH-COLOURED crystals. The actual name of the colour is "Padaradschia". I have no idea why they look so... PINK.

Now people are gonna think that I'm going all out to copy Wendy Cheng -_-"

I'M NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just thought it would be fun to do something new for once. And since I had all the time in the world to spare (currently), I figured getting involved in a time-consuming activity would be the key to brush away any tinge of boredom. Plus, my dad wouldn't be able to nag at me cos I'll be at home!

Go try it out, peeps. =)

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:25 pm.