Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I scored a miserable 60% for bio-practical. Eleven of my course-mates received distinctions. Oh whatever!!! I can't blame anyone for my sucky marks because it's MY fault that I DID NOT STUDY ONE BIT!

Screw you, Jade! If you were the one who put more than thirty of your stupid, sappy songs into my MP3, just admit it! Don't gimme crap excuses like, "Huh?! Where got?! I put it into MY MP3. Aiyah... just delete away lah!"


So I am expected to just close one eye while you get away with it right?

Oh, cool.

You're the youngest in the family. You get away with practically EVERYTHING.

So what else is new eh?


Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 9:39 am.