Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How ice-cream helped =)

On the 4th of March, I met up with two ladies whom I haven't seen in the longest while. To be truthfully honest, I was kinda apprehensive about meeting up because the three of us have had certain issues which were kinda hard to settle and so, I felt that meeting up would just trigger it all and make things worse than it already is.

But I thought to myself, if the both of them are able to put their differences aside and accomodate each other, it's about time I did the same thing, irregardless of whether or not things turned out the way I wanted it to.

We agreed to meet at Cathay's Ben&Jerry's. Ice-cream is believed to make people bounce back from slumps... and we were in serious need of endorphins!

Clara was late cause she had to go collect her dresses. So it was Siti and I who chomped on waffles and heavenly ice-cream first. Try guessing what flavour ice-cream I picked! (Hint: It's my all-time Ben&Jerry's favourite and it's NOT Chocolate Fudge Brownie!)

I am (suddenly) obssessed with BLACK! Hence, the dark ensemble.

Clara arrived soon after, and since Siti and I were already done with our sinful indulgence, that woman asked me to take photos and use my fingers to portray the numerics 1-10!


Rest assured, I already finished my share of waffles and ice-cream before this shot was taken! And I cleaned my hands sterile after it was being snapped! Another thing you guys should know is, I DIDN'T shove my entire distal phalange into my nostril; Siti took the picture from an incredibly LOW ANGLE!

If you've lost your current cravings for whatever dessert, blame this bitch! She made me do it!

Having said that (and clearing my name in the process) let's continue with the counting!!!







(the next person who says I look like Sylvester Sim WILL NOT be spared!)


Err... NINE?

Siti took an impromtu shot of me while I was gesturing to her that I didn't know how to do "9".


Was camera-shy by the time all numbers were shot. My gawd!

That's all for now from the three stooges. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (stay tuned for my trip to Sentosa with Miss C; coming up soon!)

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 2:41 pm.