Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Trying to cheat? Try harder!Whoopi! Currently typing away in Miss Hajar's "woody" room! Why she calls it "woody"? Please don't ask me for an answer.
Anyway, I had my Science Prelims (practical) today!!! Woke up around 4.30am and mugged for three and a half hours. *phew!* But it was all for a good cost... I could tell aluminium apart from zinc, without refering to the reference sheet! HUGE ACHIEVEMENT OK!
-Worship me-
One brainless fella tried to peep at Fir's answers for the Chemistry experiments! According to Firziana and Hajar, this girl was moving around at her bench very frequently; always going to where the solutions were placed to READ THE LABELS and washing her hands at the sink (which separates her from Fir) more times than my right hand can count. Not forgetting, she took a fucking long time to wash the test-tubes (maybe trying to glance side-ways to have a look at Fir's observations?).
Think I'm being too sensitive? Think that I'm cooking up a story? KWAHAHAHAHA! What if I tell you that the invigilator actually walked up to Firziana and said, "Your partner has been moving to and fro enough. So better be careful. Cover your answers." ????
COPY PEOPLE'S WORK VERY FUN IS IT?! Never study then expect the answers to just fall from the sky like how you did and caused the tsunami?! Dream on lah... Baung!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You even have the cheek to TALK TO FIR while the exam was going on?!?!?! Trying to get her into trouble, aren't you?! Bitch. And since when were we expected to mix distilled water and aluminium together so that the reaction of the "solution" with sodium hydroxide would be more "accurate"?!
DON'T COME AND CRAP WITH OTHER PEOPLE CAN??? You're making yourself look so stupid ok! You think people dare to do what you tell them to meh? Huh?! Get a life and live it the proper way lah. Bloody pink neck.
Bitchy whorree, I let you see her b-e-a-utiful face and SEXY body ok??? Must thank me hor! Those who yearn to have a good sex-life can also look up for her at East View Secondary.
Err... you guys gotta guess who's the cheater-bug. I can't tell or point her out (in case I get sued)