Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Attachment so far..

To be honest, it's been great! Except for a couple of moronic nurses whom I can't stand. Yes, people have bad days, moodswings, PMS, arguments with spouses... whatever! If I was able to take the argument that I had with my dad off my head, I don't see why they can't do the same; considering they've been working longer than I have. Bitches!

One of them, whom I had a very good impression of initially because she assisted me while I was NGT-feeding a patient, even had the nerve to tell Nad and I that we'd regret joining Nursing because the workload at the hospital can kill any living being!


The reason why the workload of nurses is increasing is because people like you are working for the sake of working/completing your bond/earning money. You're not doing it because it's your passion or because you wanna make this world a better place to live in. So if your reason of working in the ward is as of above, that's YOUR problem... don't try and influence us, nursing students, in such a negative way.

Quoting from Andy, "we won't regret choosing this profession. we'll only regret having to work with people like you".

This week has been a real eye-opener for some of us. I removed stitches under the supervision of Mrs Chia (Nad had to hold the torch!! Haha!), did a couple of nasogastric-tube feeding and today, I did my very first LAST OFFICE; cleaning the body of a deceased patient and wrapping it up. Hohoho! I bet there's plenty more where that came from.

A really enriching experience, I must say. Attachments aren't as stressful as Gabriel once told me. I find it really enjoyable... IF I'm placed in a room with the right partner and the non-hypocritical, bitchy nurses.

Oh, and before I forget, I gotta talk about this morning's resuscitation process. Andy, Wei Hsin, Nad, Hoi Yan and I were watching as the nurses and doctors tried to revive the patient. Andy and Wei Hsin were busy helping the nurses hold plastic bags for wastes and opening up the equipments for them. Nad, Hoi Yan and I were running around the ward like freaks, stocking up on the suction tubes, suction bottles, water, gloves, aprons etc.

The patient passed on despite all that the nurses and doctors did. So since this was a renal patient and the 5 of us were assigned to the renal rooms, obviously we wanted to do the last office for this patient.

But as I was wiping the suction bottles after the entire procedure, one of our classmates from the rehabilitation side came up to me and asked me if I was doing resuscitation. Stupid question; if I was gonna help out in reviving the patient, do you think I would take my own sweet time and wipe the visibly dirty equipment? And resuscitation is Year 3's work... you think Mrs Chia will let me do? I bet the patient will die even faster!

After asking me that redundant question, she very shamelessly went up to Mrs Chia and ask if she and another girl (also from rehab side) could do the last office.

Cheebye or not?! Damn fucking thick-skin right? Those two asses totally never give the 5 of us face sia. I mean, fine, you're not local and you wanna learn as much as possible in Singapore but we, local students, wanna learn too! We may not be on scholarship but that doesn't mean we have to keep giving way to you. Afterall, the patient that passed away was in the renal side and some of us have yet to do last office, so what makes you think that we're gonna let you perform this procedure on our patient?

The fact that the both of you went sucking up to Mrs Chia is already a big enough insult. You both have absolutely no respect for any of us locals. If you wanna do the last office for our patient, the least you could do was to approach one of us and ask if we wanted to attempt it first. HE IS OUR PATIENT! But no, you decided to ask directly from Mrs Chia before any of us could, thinking she'd let you do it. Hello, where were you when resuscitation was going on? If you were so keen on learning, WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THE PATIENT'S PULSE STOPPED?

You'd better get rid of the mindset that you're better than us. True, you're alot better than us when it comes to exams. But how about presentations and clinical attachments? HA! We can beat you at these two, hands down! Quit being so disrespectful towards us, we thank you for being such an ass but we don't need more asses in our lives than there already is.


I know you guys will probably go, "Not again" after reading this paragraph, but I HAVE TO GET IT OFF MY CHEST!


This is psycho man! But looking on the bright side of things, at least this time he wasn't my cousin and I wasn't some incestuous git.

The setting was at some mall where the kids of our school were frequent shoppers. We had just gone separate ways (aka broke up, not walk separate ways in the mall), so I was just doing some window shopping alone and everyone whom I knew that walked passed me kept telling me where he was and who he was hanging out with. But I didn't go look for him lah, duh!

Then suddenly, outside one of the shops, I saw him monkeying around with his usual bunch of friends. I did the most loserish thing I could ever do; I ran and hid in the toilet. -_-"

At the sink area, I met Zulaikah (the student nurse from W58, what was she doing there? I dunno!) and she said something like, "Eh! Sean's outside leh! Go and talk to him lah!". Obviously, I said no and some sorta little squabble over me being a coward emerged and that girl just snatched my handphone, ran outside and passed it to him!!!!


I assume that in that dream, I remained in the ladies for more than an hour because by the time I came out, the shops were closing and kids were running down the escalators to go home. I headed for the bus interchange WITHOUT MY HANDPHONE and I was wondering how I was ever gonna get it back when I walked passed his clique. I was about to sprint off when... TOO LATE! He spotted me and can wave at me summore.

That was the first time I saw him in bermudas, believe it or not. I have never seen him wear anything else, other than denim jeans, in reality.

What happened next is a real blur though. Hehehe! I only know that he passed me back my handphone in the end.

The 3rd dream. Haiz... as much as I hate it when he comes to my mind, I find it amusing how these dreams are so... what's the word... interesting? I thought I was the chameleon who's constantly changing but these dreams proved me wrong! He's the character who has had more drastic and dramatic changes.

That's all for now, folks. I've got some things to complete before my next shift begins. Ciao!

Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 5:36 pm.