Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Thou shall not hold grudges

It can't be helped. The poor lady's suffering from schizophrenia and has a history of despression. I didn't know how to react this morning when she threatened to rip of my skin and bite me (!!!!). To sum it all up, she even asked me to chew some guy's dick. HAHAHAHA!!! Scary old woman. She threw the alcohol swap at me when I finished taking her hypocount. -_-"

Some innocent doctor also kena marah. Sial ah!

When Abigail wheeled a patient passed her bed to go to the toilet, that lady looked at the other patient and said, "So fat and still want others to push you to toilet on wheelchair!!"

If this is not an occupational hazard, I don't know what is! Lol! I pity the other patient who got reprimanded for no rhyme or reason. =P

This lady's name, once translated into English, means "Jasmine".


The curses of the Jasmine flower.


Shadow stepped, body touched, soul crashed at 11:08 pm.