Thursday, March 20, 2008
I love C.A.M.P.I.N.G.!!!However, the above title only applies if I'm with the correct group of people lah! You don't expect me to enjoy myself with nitwits who're unwilling to go out into the sun/play games/get down and dirty right?
I don't have many pictures because my digi-cam has been long damaged (and I'm lazy to go repair it). I do have a couple of pictures of Raiden sleeping in my sleeping bag. HAHAHAHA!! Super cute, I tell you! I also have videos of JJ and Raiden playing some Indian Folksong to prevent Jaya from sleeping... and Jaya having his revenge!!!
But, I can't upload any of those for ya'll to enjoy right now because I sent my phone for servicing!! It bloody crashed on me while I was sms-ing my dad -_-" So I apologise to those who've sent me messages but didn't receive any replies. DON'T BE ANGRY OK?! Really not my fault what... I'll get my phone back on Sunday, after 3pm. So until then, I'll be kinda un-contactable.
I'm lazy to borrow a spare phone from my mum larrr...